Thursday, July 16, 2009

:: life is good ::

assalamualaikum... =)

hihi.mood berblogging dtg secara mengejot mlm nih.oleh itu.mari kite pos entry scre marathon.entry kedua utk ari is da 1st entry on 17th july.previous entry adalah pada 16th july..errr..xleh nk marathon jgk ar neh..kehampaan melanda..huhu..xde topik kite merepek mcm ape.membebel mcm mak nenek.n sume2 yg seangkatan dengannya.haha.hati sy terhibur.knape??tatau.sje nk tules terhibur.walau xterhibur
oh.smlm xjdik post entry tgh2 mlm sbb sebok belek frenste (kuuga asked me to do so haha).belek frenste senior2 kmi.rmai yg da kawen rupenye.owh.ade yg da ade ank da.owh.sungguh cpt mse berlalu.rse cm smlm je bru (ade unsur exaggerate d cni okek) dgr akak2 tu jerit kt blok c di kala budaya 'seniority' diagung2 kn.klaka lak ble dpkir2 blk.tym form 1, form 2 dlu.seboleh2nye nk pth balek if terserempak ngn senior."salam mne dik"."oo meto dih".ayt2 yg tlh di record dlm kple otk if tlupe bg salam.ok.stop psl zaman kecik-berhingus-xmature itu.haha past is past.smach byk mengajar.byk memberi.byk mencoret.byk ________ (isi tmpat kosong dgn perkataan yg sesuai)
---2nd chapter of the day---
rujuk di sini dlu. ade bnde x di setel kn lg.sekolah (sekolah bunyik lg bes dr uni ok) da nk bkk!!!!!!!!!!!!! tdg xbsh lg.xyh gi skolah ah.tade tdg nk pkai.kang gi ngn xpkai tdg kang pengsan sume org (ade berani nk wt cmtuh?? tepok dada tanye iman) tade idea nk tules ape daa.k ah.nk tdo la.esk ade picnic insyirah.potluck.ijah wat che mek!yey! very looking forward to mkn che mek ijah!!!hahahaha
sebnanye cam xbole di proses otak if sy ckp sy nk tdo.sbb skrg bru pkul 11.24 pm.dt's so not me. i am a girl who knl ktel ble pkul 12 mlm xpela.di maafkan lah malam nih.sbb esk nk bgn awl.nk goreng nsik utk ijah.utk potluck.kesian bdk kecik tuh.dlm byk2 mkanan.dy nk nsik goreng gk.i am da expert when it comes to nsik goreng.haha bajet je lbh.kang esk xingt step nk wt nsik goreng.naye je.hentam je lah.hatiku berkata.sincerity itu yg pnting ble msk.then only org bole rse the taste of the food.haha ni nme dy bahana-akibat-impact smiling pasta.ok2.xmembebel dah.aim tercapai.merepek mcm ape.membebel mcm mak nenek.
smile everyone!!!!

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